Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Friday, November 18, 2011


Celebrities. Athletes. People in the public eye. I've been saying for years that groups of people are not held to the same standards as us ordinary folk. They have babies out of wedlock, contract diseases their spouses don't have, get divorced after 72 days of hard work, and can drink and drive with the best of them. The difference between these celebrities and us is it never seems to ruin their lives. They keep their careers. They keep their money. It sometimes seems as if they go through life with little or no consequences. The problem I have with this is shouldn't they actually be held to HIGHER standards than the average Joe Schmo? They are in the public eye, and yes, I can imagine that's tough at times, but they chose that life for themselves. Which means there are millions of people watching them. Millions of impressionable people. Teens and children who look to our celebrities and athletes as role models. Someone to aspire to be. And what are they aspiring to? Talent on the field? Good screen presence? Or multiple baby daddies, infidelity and drug use.

I am reading a book this week that, rather ironically, reminded me of my thought on this particular topic. I say ironically because it isn't some intellectual novel or informative satire. It's chick lit. About a middle aged couple who have lost themselves and each other. The husband was an ex NFL player who blew out his knee, became addicted to pain killers, and has spent 15 years sober trying to work his way up as a sportscaster that no one wants to take a chance on. The book doesn't delve into any of these hot topics. But in an interview that makes him someone again he has this to say: "I'm angry. We've taken nineteen-year-old kids and turned them into multimillion-dollar celebrities. We've absolved them of responsibility for everything except perfuming well in the arena. They drive drunk, we slap their wrist. They rape women, we say the women should have known better. They bite off their opponents' boy parts, for God's sake, and a few years later, they're back in the ring, earning millions. When I was in the NFL, the world opened up for me. all I had to do was play well. I was unfaithful to my wife and unavailable to my kids. And you know what? No one blamed me for any of it. Everyone talked about the pressures of being a star quarterback. But life is tough for everyone. It took me fifteen hard years, but I finally learned that I was nothing special. I could throw a ball. Big deal. We have to quit letting our celebrities and our athletes live by their own standard. We need to become a nation of good sports again."

If it's true in fiction, shouldn't it be true in the real world??

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Life: In High Def

So by now you should all know that I need glasses. And that I am not happy about it. Well now, two weeks later, I have glasses. And I'm still not happy about it. I haven't worn them too much. I feel like I need to ease myself into them. When I picked them up the eyeglass technician (salesman? spokesperson?) informed me I don't have a 'horrible prescription.' Which I took to mean my eyes aren't that bad. Maybe I don't need to wear these things afterall! He told me not to wear them while driving until I was used to them. Well, HELLO, the main reason I got them was for driving. So the ONLY time I have worn them has been in the car. And I have to say (sadly) I have seen a huge difference. Turns out those green signs on the road...they actually have words! And license plates...they have numbers! And the spedometer...that's all blurry. Oh wait, thats because I don't need glasses for something as close as the spedometer. That has been the biggest adjustment. My distance vision is spot on. But if I look at anything too close to my face it has a weird etheral haze to it. Do you think that would fly if I got pulled over? I'm sorry, Officer. I have to wear glasses to drive, but they make the spedometer so blurry I can't tell how fast I'm going! The biggest change I've noted, however, has been in the trees. What before was a blob of color in the sky, now has individual leaves! It really is like switching over to a high definition television.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I was shopping the other day and I saw a sign that was quite perfect for me. It was one of those metal retro numbers with a 50s style chick holding a 50s style coffee pot. And it said:
Java Junkie
I drink coffee for your protection
This is sooo true of me. If I haven't had my coffee you just don't want to mess with me.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I wouldn't call myself a girl with a shoe fettish. I like shoes. I like buying shoes. But I'm not chomping at the bit to get the latest and greatest styles. And my favorite shoe stores are Payless and Target, so it's not like I have really high standards. But for someone who doesn't have a fettish, I sure do have a lot of shoes. I bring this up because I was organizing my closets yesterday (Yes, I said closets. As in plural. As in my clothes take up two out of three bedroom closets. Plus a dresser. Plus a storage bin. Plus...just kidding) and I decided my shoes were taking up entirely too much shelf space and this must be rectified. And so I purchased a shoe orangizer and proceed to organize every last pair into the appropriate little nook. I also weeded out some clothes and donated a garbage bag full (okay only half a garbage bag, as half was my sister's giveaways). But still it was progress! I got rid of sweaters that have been in the 'Donate if you don't wear it in the next month' category for three years now; but that haven't left the hangers to wear or give away. You would think with the space they were hogging, I would have given up some shoes as well. But I didn't. Every last flip flop was too cute (even though I wear the same two pairs over and over again). The falling apart pair are my Austrailia flip flops, and if you don't know what my Australia flip flops are you don't know me at all, but that's a story for a different day. All the pumps are still in good shape (probably because I don't wear pumps, I wear flats). All the flats...I wear. Even the four inch stilletos (that were given to me, not purchased) that I have never worn could come in handy one day. You know, if I want to break a leg or something. And so even though I still maintain I don't have a fettish. I do, apparently, have trouble parting ways.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I have gotten three Evites in the last two weeks. And I can't attend any of them! Okay, so it's not like I really want to attend all of them, but what are the odds that I'm not free any of the three days. I guess the odds are pretty good when you work some weekends and they seem to like to schedule you for the most inoportune ones. I have a feeling this is going to be the story of my life this holiday season. Work a bunch of weekends. Have Thanksgiving off. Work three weekends in a ROW have Christmas---oh wait, WORK Christmas. Have New Years off. Maybe make my resolution be to win the lottery, quit my job and go be a beach bum somewhere fabulous.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Don't forget to set your clocks back! I am not a fan of daylight savings time, so I am actually dreading doing this tonight. I know, I know. It's fall. We're turning the clocks back. We get an extra hour. But get real. How many of us will actually go to bed at the same time to take advantage of it. We'll look at the clock and say midnight? Nah, it's really like 11pm. And then we'll continue to stay up and miss out on actually getting an extra hour of sleep. Of course, what with it being a Saturday it could mean an extra hour of partying. It's 2am, the bar is closing, but wait--oh sorry! It's now instantly back to 1am! Bring that last round one more time. And maybe, if I didn't have to be at work at 7am tommorrow morning, I'd be right with you. We are hitting up a concert tonight, so I suppose I should look at it not as gaining an hour of sleep, but not losing an hour of sleep when I stay up later than I should before a 12 and half hour shift. Maybe I am just completely overanalyzing this whole thing and it's more of a psychological phenomenon rather than an actual solid hour of extra sleep that leaves us pumped. But, however, you look at it I would rather keep the sun out longer in the evenings than gain an 'extra hour' once a year. In my neck of the woods it was dark at 6:15 last night. Which means, tomorrow it will be dark at 5:15. Which means it will be dark and I'll still have TWO more hours of work left. And something about that is just plain depressing.