Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Monday, October 18, 2010

Down on Starbucks

I am a little bit of a coffee addict. I love the smell of freshly percolated beans. I love the rich, dark brown color. I love how the aroma fills the air. I don't, however, love the taste. At least in it's truest sense. I love coffee that has been doctored until its a warm, sweet concoction that is easy to sip and with no hint of bitterness. I have a weakness for the White Chocolate Mocha at Starbucks. I don't like to admit it. I'm actually a bit ashamed. And I am working vigorously to break the habit. As my Dad recently pointed out, 'those coffee drinks [I] like' have hundreds of calories (he learned this from some health article he read, ironic since he never drinks coffee). They cost way too much and the brand has in recent years become somewhat of a fad. I have tried limiting myself. No more than once a month (okay, once a week). I have tried going cold turkey. But it never fails, I wake up one morning with a craving. I rationalize. I try to fight it. I remember all the times I've had to wait too long, all the customers that arrived after me only to get their drinks first, and all the failed attempts, as only certain baristas can make the WCM just right. And then I drive to the nearest store. This morning I found myself in line at my local chain. I was running late and didn't have time to make a more cost effective drink in my new french press (or so I rationalized). Really, I just haven't perfected the warm, silky, sweet coffee drink I desired. I ordered and anxiously awaited. The drink that arrived, I noticed after leaving the store, was not quite right. In fact it was completely wrong. After waiting in line, paying a ridiculous amount for a cup of coffee, all my anticipation, the incredibly irking experience of the barista not making drinks in the proper customer order, and my drink was almost unpalatable. Starbucks failed to deliver. This isn't the first time this has happened, but it may have been the last straw. Maybe some cold hard facts will help me break the cycle. One WCM a day for one year (at this mornings price and not even accounting for the inevitable inflation) would cost me $1,708.20 (well $1,703.52 because hey, the corporation is nice and gives you a free drink for your birthday). I would consume 146,000 calories. Limiting to once a week would still add up to my total caloric intake for 10.4 days. And that's assuming I don't get whipped cream, which lets face it, I almost always do. Not to mention all the trees and landfill space my paper cups would use as I can never remember to bring a reusable mug with me. So, in an attempt to have less of an impact on the planet, my body and my wallet, and because I am fed up with their inability to make my drink to my liking, I am quitting Starbucks. Again. Stay tuned to see how it goes.

1 comment:

Mike Mac said...

I'll believe it when I see it...