Moving into the new place I was super excited to be getting Verizon Fios! I have had comcast in two out of the last three apartments, and have had countless missed appointments, interruptions in service, ridiculous price increases and really icky customer service. Verizon was going to be my way out! Until they called the night before the appointment and cancelled. With some lame excuse about need to install more cables outside before being able to ensure uninteruppted service. At least this is what the voicemail said. When I called back there was no record in the computer and my service appointment was still scheduled. A half hour later, it was finally verified that the voicemail dude was correct, and my appointment had to be rescheduled for a week and half later so the work could be done. It is now two weeks without cable or internet! So they better get their butts here bright and early Monday morning. I have a Bachelor finale to watch. ;)
Another change I made (or thought I had) was transferring a prescription from Giant Pharmacies to CVS. The Giant near me in DC was so incompetent it turned me off of the entire chain. And it continued to be incompetent last night when I went to CVS for the prescription, found out they had followed in their competetors footstops and failed to fill it or call to inform me of this, and couldn't get anyone to answer the phone to get my prescription number. Which subsequently led to an hour of phone calls and a mad dash to Crofton's Giant Pharmacy, where the very competent pharmacist and sales clerk were waiting, five minutes after closing, with my prescription.
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