Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I went to Wendy's yesterday. I am trying to be good, but running errands went longer than anticipated, I was hungry and I knew with the amount of work waiting back at the house I wouldn't take time to make an appropriate lunch. I got suckered in. Plus, I was recently introduced to their spicy chicken sandwich, and it was calling my name. I had the best of intentions. One chicken sandwich, one bottle of water, no fries...not too bad of a compromise, right? Then I got to the menu. One chicken sandwich: $4.69. One chicken sandwich value meal $6.29. A measly $1.60 difference. It would almost cost me more to NOT get fries. So, what did I do? I got the fries. Maybe it was the bargain hunter in me, but most likely it was just an excuse to order more than I had planned. That's what is wrong with today's society. Fast food is more expensive than healthy food. The drive through windows call you. And then words like "super-sized" and "value" meal sucker you into ordering more food than you wanted, more food than you needed, and definitely more calories than could possibly be good for you. And you don't even get out of your car to do it. No trek across the parking lot, no exertion at all, basically, no movement to help burn even a fraction of the calories.

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