Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Life: In High Def

So by now you should all know that I need glasses. And that I am not happy about it. Well now, two weeks later, I have glasses. And I'm still not happy about it. I haven't worn them too much. I feel like I need to ease myself into them. When I picked them up the eyeglass technician (salesman? spokesperson?) informed me I don't have a 'horrible prescription.' Which I took to mean my eyes aren't that bad. Maybe I don't need to wear these things afterall! He told me not to wear them while driving until I was used to them. Well, HELLO, the main reason I got them was for driving. So the ONLY time I have worn them has been in the car. And I have to say (sadly) I have seen a huge difference. Turns out those green signs on the road...they actually have words! And license plates...they have numbers! And the spedometer...that's all blurry. Oh wait, thats because I don't need glasses for something as close as the spedometer. That has been the biggest adjustment. My distance vision is spot on. But if I look at anything too close to my face it has a weird etheral haze to it. Do you think that would fly if I got pulled over? I'm sorry, Officer. I have to wear glasses to drive, but they make the spedometer so blurry I can't tell how fast I'm going! The biggest change I've noted, however, has been in the trees. What before was a blob of color in the sky, now has individual leaves! It really is like switching over to a high definition television.

1 comment:

ATC_Matt said...

When you describe it in terms of HD vision, I almost want to start wearing my glasses...nahh, maybe not.