Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


It is very early Tuesday morning and I am sitting at a computer at work. I am yawning. I don't really remember why at the moment, but I have chosen to work night shift for the next four weeks. Halfway through the first one, I am hoping I didn't make a horrible mistake. Night shift pays more money. Night shift doesn't have management breathing down your necks and asking questions like why isn't your clock hanging on the wall (something my manager did in fact ask me to investigate one day). But night shift is also quieter. And darker. And less busy. Which means the time is moving pretty slowly right about now. I am going to go to "lunch" soon to break things up a bit. But, what exactly, does one eat at 2AM? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Middle of the night snack? I packed a peanut butter sandwich with lots of snack options, so hopefully it will appeal to me. I stayed up until 4am last night and slept until 2 this afternoon, so you would think I'd be quite awake. But two cups of coffee later and I am already starting to fade. Counting the hours until bed....

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