Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pet Peeves

  1. Blatantly incorrect grammar.
  2. People who get on elevators before you, even though you have been waiting longer (drives me crazy every morning at work)
  3. People who can't remember to yield when turning left at a green light
  4. Pedestrians who think they have the right of way (who's crazy idea was that!?!)
  5. People who don't take advantage of my kindness. It's rare. Don't waste it.
Explanation: When driving home from work last night I decided to be nice on TWO separate occasions. The first was a dude standing on the side of the road trying to cross in one of DC's really annoying, middle-of-the-block, crosswalks. Cars are supposed to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk at all times. There are no lights, therefore, no flashing little man telling you to go. The dude was standing waiting for two way traffic to clear, so I stopped and waved him across. My thought was if I stopped, he'd start walking and the oncoming traffic would follow my example. Except he stopped. Hesitated. Stepped out enough so that he was in my way then fluttered about unsure of what to do while I had to wait for a line of oncoming cars to clear and him to complete his journey. THEN I approached this really annoying light in Adams Morgan. I hate it. Making a right hand turn always requires you to yield to a mob of pedestrians. And while yielding, it never fails, someone makes a left on green and tries to cut you off. So last night, still in the chivalrous spirit, I slowed to allow the car to steal my right of way. And he STOPPED. Hesitated. Flapped his hands around in the car and then finally moved out of my way. This is why I am not nice.

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