Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Change Up

It has been recommended to me that I change my blog up a bit. It seems, with a few posts being exceptions, I tend to blog in a 'rant' sort of style. I find it easier to blog about small, sub-consequential, tidbits rather than important matters. And, as it turns out, I especially like to blog about sub-consequential things that annoy me. Just wanted to update you: I realize this. I rant. A lot. And so it has been mentioned that maybe I should embrace it rather than keep apologizing for it. Maybe my blog needs a new title. Here are some possibilities.
1. "My Life in Rants"
2. "A Rant A Day Keeps the Doctor Away"
3. "Sir-Rant-A lot"
I am open to other suggestions.


Bridget said...

I like Sir Rant a Lot. You could also go with something simple like "Rant Blog" or "Rantifications" or "Rant Farm." I just came up with that last one as I was typing it. I kind of want to keep it for myself.

EA said...

Sir is my fav too. I came up with it as I was typing the list and threw it in!

crazyE08 said...

I vote for Sir Rant a Lot as well!