Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Christmas in...October??

I was doing a little retail therapy the other day and couldn't help but notice the employees putting out Christmas stock in the local Bed Bath & Beyond. This is not the first store I have seen the beginnings of Christmas in. JCPenny has some out as well. And Walmarts are already stocking Christmas gift cards (although the gift card seems to be more of an easy last minute kind of purchase, why you have to purchase a Christmas gift card in October is beyond me). Christmas seems to come to stores earlier and earlier every year, and while I have purchased two small gifts already, I have an issue with this. It is the beginning of October. We have yet to reach Halloween. There is still Thanksgiving to think about. Pumpkins, turkeys and Santa Clauses side by side seems a little funny to me. Plus, while I love the Christmas season, I'm not a big fan of shopping during it. And Christmas carols in small doses are okay, but am I going to have to listen to them for TWO months!?! That might drive me a bit nutty.

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