Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I am addicted. I have been putting off joining Pinterest for months. In theroy, I told myself, it didn't sound that interesting. But I was told it was deceptively addicting. No need to become hooked on yet another silly time consumer. And so I just decided not to check it out. Until today.

Big mistake. I am a recent Pinterest fanatic. I couldn't stop. It didn't help that today was a long, long, day...12 hours stuck indoors at 'the place that shall not be named' with very minimal work to keep me stimulated. And so I sat. And pinned. And pinned some more.

And, sadly, an hour after joining, I had more followers there than on this blog.

For those of you who haven't been on Pinterest or just don't see the appeal, let me just say this: No matter how silly it may seem (might be), I learned three things today.

-How to make a bookcase into a bar
-How to add a wine cooling station to a picnic table
-How to cut glass with string, nail polish remover and an open flame*

All cool in my book. Although that may make me a bit of a wino...and a pyro...

*For those of you wondering...cutting glass requires you to douse it in nail polish remover, light it on fire, rotate it a bit (you know with your own hands), then throw it into a basin of cold water. And we all know what happens when hot glass hits cold water--yikes!

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