Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Date With Myself

A few weeks ago a new cinema opened in our neck of the woods. As part of their grand opening they played already on DVD movies for $2 a show. One afternoon I was kind of feeling a movie and I decided to take myself out. I have watched many a movies on my own; but I had never been to a theater without a companion. I was kinda syked about it. I got my ticket, splurged for the heavily discounted popcorn and soda, and was only feeling slightly conspicuous. I followed a teenage couple through the double doors of the theater, found a seat and waited for the show to begin. And I waited and waited and waited five minutes past the start time before I went back out into the hallway to investigate. Turns out those "double doors" were actually the door for theater 3 on the left and the door for theater 4 on the right. I had been in the wrong theater. Not to be discouraged I entered the correct theater found a new seat and settled in for the show.  No one was with me to witness the embarrassment and 5 minutes later that same teenage couple entered my new theater. They had made the same mistake. My husband thought my solo journey was somewhat sad, but I found it quite liberating. For only $6 I got a movie, popcorn, soda and the realization that I go to movies with other people because I am quite incapable of navigating the cinema on my own. lesson learned. 

1 comment:

Bridget said...

$6 for all that?!? Awesome! I've been to the movies alone before. It's not sad. It's kind of fun. No one keeps leaning over to whisper to you, and if you get a popcorn refill, they can't judge.