Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I love when my cabinets look like this! They hardly ever do. But on those rare occasions when everything lines up perfectly, it makes my type A heart skip a happy beat. Living with my husband, and now my younger brother who's temporarily moved into our basement bedroom, I know if I expect them to unload the dishwasher, I can't also expect them to do it my way. And so usually the dishes are haphazard. Often they aren't in the cabinet where they "belong." And most of the time the three of us are too lazy to even get around to unloading. I'm not so crazy that I spend my time going around straightening dishes. But I am so crazy that when they line up I take a moment to appreciate. I take a picture. And I post it, and rave about it, and make every one think I'm crazy because I'm so happy about some neat stacks of dishes.

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