Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Monday, December 15, 2014

Piano Guys

The Meyerhoff "pods"
The other night we saw The Piano Guys at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore. First off, the Meyerhoff is about the coolest venue I've been to. For the most part the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra plays there, but on occasion other groups pop in. I've been twice now and both times have been awesome both acoustically and visually. The venue is super cool with the upper tiers shaped like little space pods. And the seats aren't the usual auditorium style flip down chair. They are individual plush red velvet on wheels! I've had the pleasure of sitting in a "pod" both times and I have to say the experience is delightful. The chairs are comfy and spacious and the view is awesome. 
The Piano Guys are a super cool group that has become popular in the last three years. Made up of a piano player, a cellist, a videographer and a producer you only see two of them on the stage for most of the night, but when they all come out THIS is what happens.

I mean, who even thinks of this stuff?!? While they do write original music, what has made "the guys" popular has been their mashups of popular songs that they put their own unique instrumental twist on. They manage to make a piano and a cello super cool. What I found really awesome was these guys are Morman and they aren't afraid to make fun of it. But they also aren't afraid to share it. It's refreshing to find a contemporary artist that talks unashamedly about faith and spirituality. It is REALLY refreshing to find a group that keeps the music classy and clean. I am not one to really censor the music I listen to. Language and content don't usually bother me...if I like the song. What has been bothering me recently, however, are "artists" that can't put out music without the language and explicit content. It gets a little old when it's so repetitive. And so I've banished certain artists from my playlists and I'm more than happy that I now have room for these guys. All they're songs have to pass their "Sesame Street test" meaning, the song lyrics and video have to be appropriate for their kids to watch. While I don't have such strict rules with my music it is nice to know the guys aren't going to be jumping over to my do not play list.

PS-I've never thought cellists to be cool, but if I had any musical talent I'd totally be learning to play an electric one

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