I feel like my blog has become a series of posts on disturbing creatures. I swear to you, my life revolves around more than pests of the more disgusting variety. It is just that they are what happen to be plaguing me recently. I have found more disturbing bugs and crawly things in the suburbs than I ever found in all of my DC apartments combined. Luckily, most of them have been outdoors.
Today I walked down to retrieve my mail and found this:
It was difficult to capture on camera, the web having been made of very fine silk. I almost didn't see it myself, but the sparkling raindrops it collected caught my eye. The owner was not in residence. I assume he was off seeking shelter from the storm. Hopefully, not in my mailbox.
Then I retrieved my garbage can. (Yes, suburb neighbors I am THAT person. The one who leaves the garbage cans out three days after trash collection). And in retrieving it I came across about five of these:
SLUGS. Slugs are super gross. They are supposedly benign and actually good to have around. Although I can't remember their positive attributes. But they are slimy. And feel really gross if you are unfortunate enough to step on one barefooted. This sucker would've been incredibly slippery squishing between some bare toes. ::shudder:: Don't believe me? If you put a cup of beer outside you could probably catch yourself a few. They like to get their drink on.
I left the slugs alone too. Then I walked into my house and got bit on the forehead by a mosquito. Where's my good karma?
A few weeks ago, my blog was all about crawly things too. But you always seem to post these things right before I'm to come visit yo!
oops! sorry....
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