Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Friday, December 17, 2010


Today we went to the International SPY Museum. I was really excited. I have wanted to go for years! We started by ascending in a super cool elevator that operated on its own without pushing any buttons and had fun glowing lights that gave the car a green and blue aura. We then assumed new "covers." I became Angelena Falcone. An Italian, 21 year old, travel agent. I was to be visiting Hanoi, Vietnam on business....So cool. After a short debriefing we were released into the museum portion and early on had the opportunity to be questioned on our new identity. I totally passed, remembering every detail of my story. I was then given further instructions to rendezvous with 'something-something-something Than Ha' at my hotel. I was to ask about seasonal promotions and be given a packet containing top secret military information on a microdot. How cool would that be?? After this, the museum was okay. It was bugged and one station let you listen in. There were hidden cameras you could watch people on. There was even a duct you could crawl through to eavesdrop. But while there were some cool (i.e. lipstick pistol) and disturbing (i.e. rectal tool kit) items on display, I found it somewhat lacking. I don't know if I was expecting too much, but I had always heard how awesome it was. I guess I wanted to see super cool spy gadgets and instead it had more of a spies throughout history vibe. Then again, it is a museum. I was very disappointed, however, that they did not quiz us on our identities at the end like they claimed they would. Hours later, I'm still expecting to be interrogated on my cover.

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