Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Thursday, December 30, 2010

National Day of...

...Bicarbonate of Soda!! That's right, folks, it is a National Day of celebrating...baking soda! So grab a box and deodorize your shoes! Throw a couple of teaspoons in some cookie dough! Mix it in water with beans to minimize flatulence! Wait...what!? That's right, in researching National Bicarbonate of Soda Day, in order to update you with the latest up to the minute information on how to celebrate, I came across this little tidbit. Supposedly adding baking soda to water and soaking beans helps minimize, er...shall we say, gassiness, from eating said beans. I wonder who first hypothesized that one. And how do you measure flatulence to test that theory? All I have to say is EWW.

On a different note. Today is also the Festival of Enormous Last Minute Changes. I guess this is appropriate seeing as tomorrow we will all be rethinking the last year and coming up with resolutions for the next one. I find it funny that it is of enormous changes, as if the little ones of eating less chocolate and being nicer to rabbits don't count. For me, I feel my blog has been slacking this past week. I've been in a bit of a lackluster mood and it comes across when I write. So as of right now (read carefully, folks, you are witnessing history here) I am making the enormous, last minute change and carrying out the rest of my 2010 blogging career in an incredibly upbeat and peppy fashion! For those of you who know me, and all of you do, I am not typically described as a peppy person. I am so un-peppy, in fact, that a friend once bet me I couldn't go an entire week keeping my sarcasm at bay and my peppy meter high. It was a bet I won. Much to his annoyance, both because he lost and I am apparently incredibly annoying when forcing peppiness.

So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Get your resolutions and plans finalized, because tomorrow is New Years Eve and, quite fittingly, if a little boringly, National Champagne Day!

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