Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Taste the Rainbow

If this 'Blog-A-Day for the month of December' is going to continue I've got to cut back on some of the meaningless time I spend on blog posts. So, instead, I have spent even more time on a total overhaul. While my blog may be somewhat new for such drastic changes, I have found it is necessary. The Rainbow Brite crap has got to go. For those of you who did not read my blog back in its colorful days...you missed out. Black background with alternating rainbow colored posts, it really was quite cool. But some colors were too bright for a black background, some too dim. I tried not to repeat too frequently, and as a result I spent almost as much time viewing and editing color choices as I did writing the post. I contemplated choosing one color and running with it. But it was suggested that the black background may be a bit dark and dreary. And while that may describe my personality at times, its probably not the first impression I want to give. Switching to only a single color against the black did not seem like the best bet for livening things up. Thus, the new and improved, seasonal Earth Angel blog. Feel free to leave your comments/suggestions/complaints/ideas for improvement. I'll probably read them. I might consider your ideas. For those of you just tuning in you can see remnants of my technicolor days in my earliest posts.

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