Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's Beginning to Look (a little) Like Christmas

We got a Christmas Tree! We were running a bit late Saturday morning when we headed down the street to the Greek Orthodox Church's Tree stand. Michael walked up to the first tree of the appropriate size and declared he'd found the one. I insisted we had to shop around and scope out every tree on the lot. Even those that were clearly too small and those that would never fit in my incredibly tiny living room. After assessing the lot we wound up back at the first tree. I judged it from all angles and couldn't find any blatant flaws. Michael hoisted it off it's temporary stand and spun it around for further inspection. I wasn't sold. I hesitated a bit before saying anything, then finally admitted I wasn't crazy about spending $60 on a tree that I wasn't 100% sure about, but it would have to do. Michael didn't like my lackluster attitude and even though I claimed it was silly we left and headed to a different tree lot. This one was in the other direction of my apartment and at the local Catholic Church. We hopped out and I immediately liked the looks of the trees better. The price tags, however, were nearing the $100 mark. Ridiculous. We left the second place even quicker, headed back to the first and bought the very first tree Michael suggested. I may be the only person alive who shops around trying to find the best tree for the best price. But, as I explained to Michael, Christmas trees are very important to me. With my birthday being December 24th it is not just a Christmas tree, but a birthday tree as well! In the end I love our tree so much more because I know there's not a better option around the corner. The poor thing got dumped in the stand, splashed with water and left in the corner as we hustled off to the lunch we were late for because of my indecisiveness. We didn't even cut off the netting to let the branches fall out until hours later. But it now looks quite cute, if still a little bare, sitting in the corner. Tree decorating tomorrow!

1 comment:

ATC_Matt said...

Never argue with a MacDonald about a tree....but this story is hilarious. And I can visualize Michael's reactions through the whole thing heheh....