Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I HATE my computer.

I have hated it for years. This is not a new development. I have not liked it from the day I purchased it and I probably should have returned it the minute I turned it on to the horrible Windows Vista operating system. It is slow, and has always been slow. The hard drive crashed a year after I purchased it (luckily one day before the warranty expired) and lost tons of music and pictures. It is incapable of running more than two programs at a time without spazzing out. Its latest trick is if more than two of the niffty Firefox tabs are opened, and the computer is closed or allowed to hibernate, it refuses to start working again without closing out every program or restarting. A process which takes a good five minutes as it slowly reboots itself. My Dad, a long time Mac user, purchased a laptop the same month I purchased mine. Three years later his is in perfect operating condition and boots up in under a minute while mine prevents me from winning ebay auctions with its inopportune temper tantrums. I have threatened it before, but I mean it this time...I am an Apple convert. As soon as the Christmas gifts are paid off. Oh, and the wedding. And I save up enough for the ridiculous price tag. Then its sayonara to the Dell. What finally pushed me over the edge? The hour long process of placing a single Christmas order last night. I made the mistake of having a blog tab, Amazon tab and ebay tab opened all at once. I should know Dell doesn't multi-task like I do. I was blogging and waiting for the ebay auction to close so I could determine my Amazon order. I was outbidded with five seconds to go....I upped the anti....and my computer froze! I lost. It was then an hour long process of force quitting, rebooting, some vital disk check I couldn't escape out of, automatic updates I couldn't stop, restarting the internet and finally placing the Amazon order. My mind was so frazzled and scrambled it kept me awake for hours! And everyone knows you don't keep me from my sleep. Bad things happen.

1 comment:

ATC_Matt said...

Be Careful....when you buy that Mac, Michael might try and steal it for his own. He's been trying to get one for a while... Then you'll never see it again.