Quote of the Moment

Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that....

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I love seeing live music. My dad was actually the one who got me into concerts, and I've probably been to the most with him. Lately, however, I've preferred the smaller more intimate venues over the large arenas. I love finding new music to get hooked on. I've been to two such events the past two nights. Thursday, we ventured to the 9:30 club for my brother's 21st birthday to see fun. That's the name of the band. fun. They were pretty good. Quite...fun, I guess you'd say. Last night it was the 8x10 club in Baltimore. They are a tiny, little, bi-level venue that hosts mostly local music. We went to see Michael's friend's brother. Garrett Anderson--check him out. On a side note, this is the second time I've met someone whose music is on itunes! It's sorta cool. New life goal: be on itunes. Two bad things that came from last night. 1). Michael turned to me and said 'You know what would look really good with your outfit?...Boots.' Ouch. Way to rub it in. 2). My tiny calves are killing me after two nights with so much standing.

Today's plan: Clear the apartment of all the birthday party debris. Go buy a Christmas tree! Lunch with friends back up in Baltimore. Babysitting for some young-uns tonight. No rest for the weary.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

You haven't cleared away the debris? I'm sorry, I should've done more before I left yesterday.